Our Location

      170 Alameda de las Pulgas,

      Redwood City, CA 94062

      Alejandro Wasserman, EMT

      Alejandro Wasserman, EMT

      Alejandro Wasserman, EMT

      Healthcare Advisor

      Alejandro Wasserman is a Healthcare Advisor at Redwood Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine Associates/Somnology Medical Group. He was born in Guatemala and raised in Michigan and Hawaii, before settling in Los Angeles. With a background in emergency medical services as an EMT, project management for a medical company, and vaccine site coordination, Alejandro has extensive experience in healthcare operations and service delivery. He loves working with teams to get jobs done and is passionate about using his skills to help others and make a positive impact on people's lives. Alejandro is committed to providing innovative and effective solutions that improve patient outcomes and enhance the healthcare experience for all.

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