Our Location

      170 Alameda de las Pulgas,

      Redwood City, CA 94062

      Melissa Marcelin

      Melissa Marcelin

      Melissa Marcelin

      Healthcare Advisor

      Melissa is a Healthcare Advisor for Redwood Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine Associates/Somnology Medical Group, bringing her expertise in biology and nursing to the forefront of her care. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Adelphi University and is pursuing a degree in nursing. She finds it extremely rewarding to work closely with veterans, screening them for sleep problems and helping them undergo home sleep testing. Beyond her work in healthcare, Melissa is a skilled content creator, media marketer, and campaign strategist. She recently earned a Digital Marketing Certificate from Columbia University in 2022. When she is not working, she is traveling or recreating dishes she has discovered during her travels. She also enjoys taking long walks with her dogs while immersing herself in an engrossing audiobook.

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